Friday, October 28, 2011


More time has passed, more things are happening. I have gotten permission from my insurance company to have a home birth, which I am very excited about. The idea of being in my own house, in my own bed, and having Wiggle around the whole time is fantastic. Plus, I might do a water birth!

In other news, I am kicking butt in my two social work classes. Admittedly, the material itself is not particularly challenging, but getting all the assignments done with a toddler around makes even the simplest task challenging. Also, I am enjoying the classes which makes it a little easier to put in the late nights school requires.

Then we had a visit from C's mom and his Aunt M last weekend. We went to Shenandoah National Park and drove part of Skyline Drive to see the autumn leaves. It was spectacular. The weather was cool and crisp, the leaves were red and gold and rust, and the sun even managed to come out on the way home.
Two peas in a pod
Two guys in the woods
Enjoying the mountain views
The valley
A boy and his Nonna
The rest of the weekend was spent spoiling the boy with kisses and desserts, all of which he loved immensely.
The visit was too short, and we hope they are able to come back soon.

Then, of course, there's Halloween on Monday. Our little Wiggle decided he wanted to be a "monster from the deep," more specifically an angler fish. In case you didn't already know this, there aren't a lot of angler fish costumes available at stores or even online. So in the grand tradition of parents everywhere, I made a costume and stayed up way too late fighting the beast that is my sewing machine. He hasn't been that into wearing the hat/lure that truly makes an angler fish, but that's ok because he absolutely loves his costume.

He has worn it non-stop for the past two days and spontaneously stops and thanks me for making it every few hours. Totally worth it.

Hopefully, this weekend will have more Halloween-y goodness which will mean more pics and more updates.