Wednesday, October 31, 2012


So another Halloween has come and gone. This one was a doozy. We had a Halloween party this weekend with a couple of kids from school. I forgot to take any pictures of course, but there was lots of running and playing and jumping and such. A good time was had by all, I think.

Tonight, we got the boyos dressed and took some pictures on the front steps.
More pictures? Jeez, Mom.
Two guys ready to hit the neighborhood.
And then some parental pics.

Wiggle was too excited to stand for pics with us. When we asked, this is what I got...
Trick-or-treating is this way!
On the move with Wiggle leading the way.
C took Wiggle down the block to his friend, A's house so they could go trick-or-treating together. He walked with them and with A's mom, P back to our house and then he took the dragon into bed.
Being a dragon this cute is exhausting.
I then took over and chaperoned the boy's with P for another block and a half. We saw a number of our neighbors and their kids out; it was nice to see familiar faces and feel like we know the neighbors a little more now. The boys had a blast and were totally tuckered by the end.
Surveying the loot.
Spying something good.
I let him eat five pieces tonight. He chose some apple heads, a rolo, a bit o'honey, a piece of taffy, and a full size Hershey chocolate bar. He spit out the bit o'honey, half of the taffy, and left half of the Hershey's bar. He then announced that he would eat the rest of the candy tomorrow. I quickly disabused him of that notion. 

It didn't feel like we had that many trick-or-treaters at the house, but the ones that came were adorable, polite, and generally well-behaved. It was wonderful both to walk the streets with the boys and to man the door; I am glad we are in for a few more years of this!