Sunday, May 31, 2009

Summer Lovin'

The farmer's markets have finally opened here with the first offerings of great local produce. A couple of weekends ago we took Wiggle to the Green City Market in Lincoln Park. Wiggle helped supervise all of the purchases.You can see the family resemblance, no?

It looks like Wiggle is the boss of this operation.

Then we stopped at the Farm-in-the-Zoo to look at the animals. We saw an extremely agitated cow, and for the first time I was happy to have a fence between me and a cow.Wiggle seemed to think the cow was whack as well.

We had better luck with the pony. Too bad we couldn't pet him.
The trip went so well, we may hit the actual Zoo in a couple of weeks.

The fresh bread, cheese, and outstanding mushrooms we got at the market were wonderful too.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Get Up, Stand Up!

Wiggle started standing and leaning on things about a week ago. He doesn't pull himself up, but if we prop him against the ottoman or his activity center, he stands and wiggles and tries to jump around without any help from us.He often gets very excited while standing, as is evidenced in this photo of him standing while only holding on with one hand. He's a little over-achiever.He has also discovered the joys of looking at other babies. We don't see a lot of real babies, but he has been enjoying talking to the faces in Peek-a-Boo.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Water Baby

About two weeks ago, I started taking baths with Wiggle in the big tub. He loves the water and floating around in the tub. I hold him with one hand either under his head or under his butt, and then I pull him around the limited bath space. He giggles and grins until he feels so relaxed that he yawns and tries to turn onto his side. Sometimes we put his head in the water and he blows bubbles or tries to drink the bath water, which signals the end of head dipping time. I can't wait until we can take him for swimming lessons.
Here are a couple of pics of Wiggle enjoying bath time with Mom.

It's easy to be flexible in the tub!

We have a long one here.