Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Easter Weekend

I've fallen woefully behind in my blog posts, I know. Part of it has been that Wiggle is changing so much every day, that by the time I go to the computer to write about the new word he's said or thing he's reached, it's already old news. The other reason is that I just haven't felt like it very much. I've got a pretty serious case of spring fever and have not been spending as much time cooped up in front of the computer screen. Although the weather report says it might snow tomorrow, so perhaps spring has not yet sprung.

We spent the weekend in Kansas City celebrating Easter and the birthdays of Grandma R and Aunt M. We had a wonderful time visiting the fam, and C and I got some much needed R&R.

Wiggle searched for eggs around the house on Sunday.

Taking a nap on Uncle B.

Walking with Dad and Grandma R.

Can you guess what Grandma R and Aunt M are looking at?

Two very handsome guys.

A very tired boy patiently waiting for ice cream cake.

It's nice for us to see family, but it's amazing to see Wiggle with them. I love to see how much he loves them. Grandpa M can make him laugh hysterically; he shows off for Grandma R; he smiles every time he sees Aunt M; and he jumps into Uncle B's arms for hugs. I hope we get to see everyone again very soon.

1 comment:

  1. It looks like you had a wonderful weekend! I love the pics!
