Tuesday, May 17, 2011

How Many Days 'Til Vacation?

 Six. Six days until we meet C in Wood's Hole and stay in a little cottage on the water for a week. I can't wait.

Uncle M comes the day after tomorrow which I'm also super-excited about. I am in day six of having Wiggle on my own, and we have been having a great time (except for the hour and a half it took to get him down tonight. ugh).

Oh yeah, and we're trying to buy a house before we leave for vacation. I mean we're trying to get everything settled for the house we're trying to buy. It's a tight schedule though because the seller is driving across the country and won't get in town until Thursday, we still haven't signed contracts, C will be out of town for the whole thing, and the goal is to have a home inspection on Saturday. It's the beginning of a stressful week, so I am looking forward to vacation even more.

Here are some pics of my fun weekend with the boy.
Taking a walk in the woods
A quiet moment of reflection
Having fun straddling logs
Riding the carousel
It's starting!
We're going to ride a train!
Are you coming Mommy?
We broke down and watched Cars finally - he had to take Lightning McQueen to bed that night.
Making me wood chip sandwiches at the park
Apparently, I needed a lot of sandwiches.

I'm not ready to show the new house in case things don't go through, but I do want to show off it's location. In the picture above, I am standing in the playground directly behind our current house. The white inside the blue circle? That's the roof of what will be our new house. How sweet is that?

1 comment:

  1. He is SO cute! I'm keeping my fingers crossed on the house...you couldn't ask for a better location!
