Saturday, December 18, 2010

More Christmas?

Last night we took Wiggle to the Bull Run Festival of Lights. He flipped out. It was pretty cool and because it snowed yesterday afternoon, there were no crowds whatsoever. We think we may try to go again when Nonna and Aunt M are in town next week.
I also, finally, got the entire tree lit.
I might put another string along the bottom, and we're going to put ornaments on during Wiggle's nap tomorrow.

We also had our first snowfall yesterday. We went out and played a little bit before music class, and Wiggle went out with his friend to play more today.

By the way, the coat he's wearing was mine from when I was little. Crazy, right?


  1. Your tree is BEAUTIFUL! And I love that Wiggle can wear both those coats! I'm so glad I saved them! :)

  2. very nice pictures. I wish you a happy new year!
    sorry, my english is not so good!
