Thursday, March 3, 2011

These Are The Days...

So today, I had the best time with Wiggle. He just piled cute, on top of cute, on top of cute.

After his nap he came into my room and got on the bed with me to snuggle for a minute, as usual. While we were cuddled, he said " What we gonna do?" meaning what was up for the afternoon. Teasing him, I asked him if he wanted to "clean the bathrooms?"
"Fold all of our clothes?"
"Organize the garage?"
Then while I was trying to think of the next odious task, he exclaimed, while pointing a finger in the air, "I know! I will give Mommy lots of kisses!"
And he did.

Later in the afternoon, while changing his diaper, we were having the usual conversation about his bottom - how it's cute, that it's where poop comes out, that it belongs to him, when he did something entirely new. He told me a story about his bottom.

One day, there was a bottom that sat in a chair. Then it went upstairs to take a bath. Then it went to sleep.

When C got home, I asked Wiggle to tell the story of the Bottom again. This time the bottom went into the sky after it sat in a chair, but before it got into the bath. Apparently the bottom was not content to just sit.

One his favorite things right now is to sit on benches
Lost in a Blue's Clues reverie
The closest, I hope, he ever looks to a soldier
Nap time is so much better in a tent


  1. I love the pics, he looks great in his hats especially the navy one. As for his story, it certainly made us laugh and wish we were there with him.

    Sure wish we lived closer.

  2. I have got to find a way to move closer! He's WONDERFUL!

  3. I wish everyone lived closer, too!

    Get right on that, Mom! ;)

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