Sunday, November 21, 2010

It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like...


Tonight we went to Fairfax Corner for their tree lighting ceremony. Wiggle was blown away by the huge tree. I thought it would feel to early for Christmas stuff, but with a tree obsessed toddler in tow, listening to Christmas carols and seeing Santa the week before Thanksgiving felt perfectly natural.
We walked around the shops and got the obligatory, oops, I mean complimentary, Santa hat.

We also went on a carriage ride around the square. For some reason I totally forgot to take any pictures of the horses or the carriage, but here are a couple of us on the ride.
Trust me, Wiggle and I are looking at the rear ends of two huge horses
Wiggle, not psyched about pictures, because it interfered with horse watching
And the best shot...
Our first Christmas family photo
It was a blast. Afterward, we went to Potbelly where Wiggle scarfed down half a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and some vanilla malt. He was in heaven. Santa was there, but we felt that after the carriage ride, it would just be too much to stand in line again. Plus, we kind of need to do a Santa primer for Wiggle, because as of now, he has no idea who he is. It's going to be so fun. I can't believe how excited I am about Christmas stuff now. I mean, I have always liked Christmas a lot, so I didn't really know that I could be more into it. 

Yesterday, C and I went out for Ethiopian food in Alexandria. (Can I mention how much I love swapping babysitting with our neighbors?) The place, Enat, was in a small strip mall, and if we didn't know we were going there, we would never have stopped there on our own. It was delicious. Definitely the best Ethiopian I've ever had. The place was small, but nice, and very friendly. We were the only non-Ethiopians in the restaurant the entire time, I think. I will definitely go back.

On the way home, C and I decided to drive through Arlington for a bit to look at neighborhoods. We drove through some amazing old neighborhoods with streets that had names like Vacation Lane. The houses were beautiful and so expensive I would have start printing my own money now to be able to afford one ten years from now. It was nice to look though, and we enjoyed just driving around a different area of NoVa. I can't believe we are getting to go out so frequently right now. It will probably drop off around the holidays because everyone's schedules fill up, but right now, it feels fantastic.

Tomorrow, the boy gets a tree for his room. I can hardly wait.


  1. Now you know how I felt when I had you! Oh, the fun that awaits you!

  2. What a beautiful Christmas tree. It looks like you had lots of fun. The family photo is great. Alex, in the photo with you smiling and Silas is wearing the Santa hat, he has a look and smile that says "Isn't my mom wonderful".
